Bridge construction
- Full structural construction of 13 flyovers and underpasses bridge of M7 motorway, and complete renovation works of construction of pillar protection pavements for underpasses (MAHID 2000 Rt.)
- Full structural construction of 5 bridges of the M30 motorway (MAHID 2000 Rt.)
- Full structural construction works of bridges 307/b and 216 of the M0 – M5 motorway junction (STRABAG Ltd.)
- Substructure construction works for bridge 756 of the North sector of the M0 motorway (STRABAG Ltd.)
- Full structural construction of bridges 1, 2 and 3 of the M35 motorway (STRABAG Ltd.)
- Substructure construction works for bridge 2389. és 2407. of the M3 motorway, Nagykallo (Magyar Aszfalt Ltd.)
- Construction of pedestrian bridges of the L’Huillier Coburg castle, Edeleny (2013., 2015.)
Structural construction, general construction
- Structural construction of TVK PE4 control building (VEGYEPSZER Rt.)
- Construction of the TBM launching shaft, crossing and extraction structures at the Etele Square station of Budapest’s Metro 4 line, Budapest
- Turnkey construction project of a printing plant, Budapest, Frangepan street, (PYROCENT Ltd.)
- General construction of the distillation columns, equipment foundations, pipe racks, cable tunnels and SLOP conduits at TVK Olefin 2, (MAHID 2000 Rt.)
- General construction of DOKA’s office building (Magyar DOKA Ltd.) 2003.
- Structural construction of manipulation building, oil reservoir and retaining walls (STRABAG Ltd.)
- Structural construction of FRISSBETON concrete plant (STRABAG Ltd.)
- Structural construction of BorsodChem Rt. HYCO Plant 2. (ADEPTUS Ltd.)
- Structural construction of a block of 24 flats, Miskolc, Arpad street (ARCHIVOLT Ltd.)
- Structural construction of Erdobenye Winery, (ADEPTUS Ltd.)
- Structural construction of office building, Tiszaujvaros (Tiszatrans Ltd.)
- Structural construction of Linde air decomposition plant for BorsodChem Rt. (STRABAG Ltd.)
- Construction of additional 3×5 flats on the roof of a block of flats (own development and implementation)
- Structural construction of Szegi Water Touristic Centre, (Zemplenko Ltd.)
- Full structural construction of Etele Square terminus of M4 metro line (STRABAG Ltd.)
- General construction of underground car park -1300 m2industrial flooring- Miskolc, (DOXABI Ltd.)
- Construction of basalt concrete pavement -6400 m2industrial flooring-(Magyar DOKA Ltd.)
- Expansion of Avas Grammar School, complete structural construction,(ADEPTUS Ltd.)
- Structural construction of a block of 24 flats and 14 sales premises at Building B and
- Structural construction of a block of 40 flats at Building D of Szechenyi District (RP Holding)
- Structural construction of a 6 storey car park -12000 m2industrial flooring- (RP Holding)
- General construction of Phase II of Andrassy House, a block of 36 flats and 8 sales premises and a 1,200 m2underground car park, 2009. (BUKK INVEST BAU)
- Structural construction of AUCHAN hypermarkets, Miskolc, Maglod (ARCADOM Ltd.)
- Construction of a 4,060 m3 composting facility and 4,500 m2concrete pavement,Miskolc, (ARCADOM Ltd.)
- Full structural construction of 6120 m3dangerous waste storage pools for AVE Hejopapi, (Gatepito Ltd. – DIAMIT Group)
- Structural construction of Rudabanya Primary School expansion, 2010. (DIAMIT Ltd.)
- Structural construction works of the reconstruction of Building C2 of the University of Miskolc, industrial flooring, 2010 (ARCADOM)
- General construction of cattle farm construction project, Sajolaszlofalva, 2013. (La-Garonnaise Ltd.)
- Complete structural construction and reconstruction of the Szeged tramway depot, (A-HID Ltd.)
- General construction of a truck repair workshop and auxiliary buildings(Road 66 Ltd.)
- Structural construction of a condominium of 4 flats, Budapest, 2015. (Coavis Ltd.),
Water facilities
- 2×200 and 2×100 m3potable water reservoirs and machine housing at Bukkszek and Bukkszenterzsebet (DIAMIT Ltd.)
- Structural construction of the potable water reservoirs of North Hungarian Regional Waterworks Ltd. at Lazberc, 2010. ( DIAMIT Ltd.)
- Structural construction of wastewater reservoirs, Hidvegardo, 2010. (GATEPITO Ltd.)
- 830 metre long flood abutment construction, Tokaj (GATEPITO Ltd.)
- Wastewater treatment facility, Miskolc
- Wastewater treatment major facility, Tiszadob 2014. (Linép Team Ltd.),
- Potable water storage pool, Tiszafoldvar, 2015. (Szirak Prevent Ltd.),
- Wastewater treatment facilities, combined pools, Kazincbarcika, 2015. (DIAMIT Ltd.)
- Structural construction of a wastewater sludge composting plant, Berente, 2015. (Borsod-Bau 2000 Ltd.)
- Reconstruction and thermal elevation insulation of the factory unit of DIPA Ltd.. at Miskolc, 2009.
- Full reconstruction and expansion of Felsodobsza Primary School, 2010. (DIAMIT Ltd.)
- Reconstruction of a condominium of 12 apartments, Budapest
- Indoor and outdoor renovation and reconstruction of Szikszo City Hospital, (MASZER Ltd.)
- Thermal insulation works of the elevations of Ormosbanya Social Home, (SPIDI BAU Ltd.)
- Thermal insulation works of a 4 storey apartment block, Miskolc (SPIDI BAU Ltd.)
- Thermal insulation works of the elevations of a 4 storey apartment block, Miskolc (SPIDI BAU Ltd.)
- Structural construction of a 6 storey car park -12000 m2industrial flooring- (RP Holding)
- General construction of Phase II of Andrassy House, a block of 36 flats and 8 sales premises and a 1,200 m2underground car park, 2009. (BUKK INVEST BAU)
- Structural construction of AUCHAN hypermarkets, Miskolc, Maglod (ARCADOM Ltd.)
- Construction of a 4,060 m3 composting facility and 4,500 m2concrete pavement,Miskolc, (ARCADOM Ltd.)
- Full structural construction of 6120 m3dangerous waste storage pools for AVE Hejopapi, (Gatepito Ltd. – DIAMIT Group)
- Structural construction of Rudabanya Primary School expansion, 2010. (DIAMIT Ltd.)
- Structural construction works of the reconstruction of Building C2 of the University of Miskolc, industrial flooring, 2010 (ARCADOM)
- General construction of cattle farm construction project, Sajolaszlofalva, 2013. (La-Garonnaise Ltd.)
- Complete structural construction and reconstruction of the Szeged tramway depot, (A-HID Ltd.)
- General construction of a truck repair workshop and auxiliary buildings(Road 66 Ltd.)
- Structural construction of a condominium of 4 flats, Budapest, 2015. (Coavis Ltd.)